Dr. Nicole Poenitzsch

Bellville ISD Superintendent Dr. Nicole Poenitzsch will be back in the classroom starting this fall.

The Bellville School Board unanimously approved the superintendent’s request to teach AP English 3 at Bellville High School during the coming school year, in addition to performing her standard duties.  Her classes will be every other day from 8 to 9:30 a.m.

Dr. Poenitzsch, who has taught finance and law courses online for Texas A&M since coming to Bellville ISD in 2019, told trustees that she missed the connection with students.  She also said she does not want to become too far removed from the classroom setting in order to better understand what today’s teaching is like.

According to Dr. Poenitzsch, there are 65 students signed up for the class.  Right now, she plans to teach just for this year.

Dr. Poenitzsch is not scheduled to teach courses at Texas A&M this fall, and she said she is unsure if the opportunity to do so will come in the spring.  If it does, she said she will evaluate how her teaching in Bellville is going before making a decision.

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  1. Kudos to you! Please share this with other superintendents especially in South Jersey. Even if you don’t continue to do this the fact that your doing it now is a big deal. Thank you!

  2. Good for her! More administrators need to do this- for the students, the districts and for themselves! But also for their teachers- this is a great idea-

  3. I applaud Dr. Poenitzsch for teaching High School. It reveals her desire to stay connected to the students and understand educators in the classroom. She is a leader that leads by example and is not afraid to be in the classroom. Wow! I am truly impressed by her leadership. As an educator myself, she has my admiration and respect.

  4. I think this is phenomenal!! Most all superintendents often move up in ranks and forget what is is like being in the classroom with students. I applaud this superintendent!!

    Rebecca Melde
    14 years of teaching and behavior intervention specialist

  5. Congratulations! This is awesome!!! Way to lead your district, Dr. Poenitsch. I remember former Brenham ISD superintendent Mr. David Yeager taught an algebra class. He felt that he too liked the connection with the students. I love the idea. Kudos to Bellville ISD for allowing this.

    Many districts are losing teachers because they are overwhelmed with all the extra “responsibilities” they are expected to do. I feel If administrators were back in the classroom like Dr. Poenitisch is doing , they may understand the burn out teachers often feel.

  6. Brenham ISD Superintendents should do this also. Brenham has had Superintendents do this in the past to keep in touch with today’s students.
    Congratulations Dr. Poenitzsch for stepping up and build stronger relationships with your staff and students.

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