Bulletin Board
Calendar of Events
M Mon
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8 events,
The Great Candy Bouquet Sale
Brenham HS Floral Design class is currently taking Pre-Orders for their Valentine Candy Bouquet Sale! This is the perfect gift for your little Valentine!!! Enjoy a 1/2 dozen ($15) or Dozen ($20) FULL-SIZED Candy bouquet. (Orders can be customized to the candy of your choice!) Orders and Payment will be due February 2nd. Please email [email protected] …
Brenham Animal Services Half-Price Dog Adoptions
Come get a fur-ever Valentine Half-price dog adoptions until 2/14/24! They all come spayed/neutered, vaccinated and microchipped. https://www.petfinder.com/search/pets-for-adoption/
Attention parents and students of 8th graders! Mark your calendars for Monday, January 29, as Brenham High School is set to host the Prideland event for incoming Freshmen. It is strongly advised that both you and your 8th grader participate, as they will have the opportunity to submit their schedule requests for the upcoming freshman …
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American Legion Quade-Werchan Post 338 Monthly Meeting
American Legion Quade-Werchan Post 338 meets the first Thursday of each month at their hall. Meetings begin promptly at 6:30 PM.
Cub Company presents “The Little Mermaid”
Tickets are on-sale now as the Brenham High School Theatre Arts Department, also known as Cub Company, get ready to present Disney’s “The Little Mermaid” tickets can be purchased on-line at www.cubcompany.booktix.net
Washington County Fair Scholarship Program
The 2024 Washington County Fair Scholarship Application is now open! Updated guidelines and application can be found on our website! >> http://tinyurl.com/k2apkhyz
NAMI Connection Recovery Support Group Meetings
NAMI Connection Recovery Support Group Meetings
Weekly meeting on Thursdays, 6:30 – 8:00 pm CST at St. Peters Episcopal Church in Brenham NAMI-Brazos Valley serves a seven-county area (Brazos Valley): Brazos, Burleson, Grimes, Leon, Madison, Roberts, and Washington Counties Website: NamiBV.org Phone: 979 774-4713
14 events,
Brenham Elks Friday Night Steak Dinner
The weekly Friday night steak dinner begins at 6:30 PM at Brenham Elks Lodge #979, with all members and guests invited - 16 oz Boneless Ribeye with Baked Potato, Salad, and Dessert - Chef's Choice: Pork & Beef Stew with cornbread, salad and dessert
VFW Post 7104 Steak Supper
VFW Post 7104 Steak Supper
James F. Dillon VFW Post 7104 will be having a barbecue beef sirloin steak, pork steak and pork sausage supper on Friday, February 2, doors will open at 6:00 and the meal will be served at 7:00, call 979 203-5586, 979 277-5061 to make reservation by 12:00 noon on the date of the meal – …
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Walk With A Doc-Brenham
Walk With A Doc-Brenham
NO WALK JUNE 2024 OR JULY 2024 Attention Brenham! Are you ready to WALK your way to better health? Join us for our monthly Walk With A Doc event on the 1st Tuesday of each month at noon at the Kruse Center-Blinn College. Walk at your own pace and distance, and learn more about Health …
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9 events,
Unity Theatre presents “The Crucible”
In the spring of 1682 a Salem village reverend discovers a group of teenage girls dancing around a fire in the woods. When his daughter exhibits strange symptoms the next morning, the town becomes frenzied with talk of witchcraft. Neighbor is pitted against neighbor and the deeply religious community is torn apart. The Crucible is a …
Open House Introduction to Trail Life USA
Open House Introduction to Trail Life USA
Abiding Word Lutheran Church will be hosting an open house on Thursday, February 8th for Trail Life Troop TX-777. Trail Life is an alternative to Boys Scouts of America for young boys and men only. It is Christ-centered and pan-Christian. We will begin at 6 PM. Bring the whole family and please let Abiding Word …
NAMI Connection Recovery Support Group Meetings
NAMI Connection Recovery Support Group Meetings
Weekly meeting on Thursdays, 6:30 – 8:00 pm CST at St. Peters Episcopal Church in Brenham NAMI-Brazos Valley serves a seven-county area (Brazos Valley): Brazos, Burleson, Grimes, Leon, Madison, Roberts, and Washington Counties Website: NamiBV.org Phone: 979 774-4713
12 events,
Brenham Elks Friday Night Steak Dinner
The weekly Friday night steak dinner begins at 6:30 PM at Brenham Elks Lodge #979, with all members and guests invited - 16 oz Boneless Ribeye with Baked Potato, Salad, and Dessert - Chef's Choice: Pork & Beef Stew with cornbread, salad and dessert
Sons of Hermann Lodge 6 Monthly Meetings
MEETING INFORMATION 2nd Friday, Monthly Meal at 6:30 PM Meeting at 7:15 PM HERMANN SONS LIFE HALL EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2024. REGUALR MEETINGS, MEAL WILL BE SERVED AT 6:30 AND MEETING WILL START AT 7:15. PLEASE MAKE NOTE OF TIME CHANGE. Make an effort to come to all meetings and support your lodge.
10 events,
BAA Black History Breakfast
For tickets or more information call 979 451-0863 or 979 203-3566
Caldwell HS Class of 2024 Project Graduation Valentine Dance
All proceeds will go to the 2024 Caldwell Project Graduation
Benefit BBQ Dinner for Tracer Kruzel
Benefit BBQ Dinner for Tracer Kruzel
drive thru only, chicken, sausage, potato salad, beans, cake, bread and drinks, FOR TICKET INFO contact FREEMAN MILLER 832-989-7319, JASON SMALLEY 979-525-7911. TARIK MADISON 979-270-2740
7 events,
PFLAG Brenham Meeting
PFLAG Brenham meets on the second Sunday of each month at 5:30 pm. We are a support group for families, friends and allies of the LGBTQ+ community. Let us walk with you on your journey. For more information, visit www.facebook.com/BrenhamPFLAG or send an email to [email protected]
11 events,
Washington County Ladies Lions Club Meeting
The Washington County Ladies Lions Club will meet Monday, February 12, at noon, at the Cannery Kitchen in downtown Brenham. Details of the Valentine Flower deliveries and annual fundraiser will be discussed. The public is invited to attend, RSVP not required, lunch is available.
The Jury Trial for Monday, February 12, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. with the Honorable Judge J.D. Langley has been “CANCELED”. You do not have to appear for jury service. Thank you.
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Republican Club of Washington County Monthly Meeting
The Republican Club of Washington County will hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday, February 13, at the Cannery Kitchen. Registration and social time start at 5:50 pm, dinner at 6:00 pm and Bill Ely will present at or before 6:30 pm. Delicious dinners are available for $20 each for non-members. Being with us to hear …
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St. Peter’s Episcopal Church offering “Ashes on the Way”
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church is once again offering “Ashes on the Way” on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 14. We will be there to let people simply drive through and receive the imposition of ashes. Our hours will be 7:00 am - 9:00 am and again from 11:00 - 1:00. The drawing of a cross with ashes …
12 events,
NAMI Connection Recovery Support Group Meetings
NAMI Connection Recovery Support Group Meetings
Weekly meeting on Thursdays, 6:30 – 8:00 pm CST at St. Peters Episcopal Church in Brenham NAMI-Brazos Valley serves a seven-county area (Brazos Valley): Brazos, Burleson, Grimes, Leon, Madison, Roberts, and Washington Counties Website: NamiBV.org Phone: 979 774-4713
12 events,
Brenham Elks Friday Night Steak Dinner
The weekly Friday night steak dinner begins at 6:30 PM at Brenham Elks Lodge #979, with all members and guests invited - 16 oz Boneless Ribeye with Baked Potato, Salad, and Dessert - Chef's Choice: Pork & Beef Stew with cornbread, salad and dessert
Texas Trails Quilt Show (Brenham)
2024 Texas Trails Quilt Show Friday, February 16, 2024 / 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Saturday, February 17, 2024 / 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Admission $10.00 – Children under 6 free Fireman’s Training Center Juried Contemporary - Traditional Quilt Show Quilts for Sale ~ Boutique ~ Vendors Door Prizes HOSPICE Brazos Valley Charity Quilt …
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Hospice Happening 2024 (Brazos Valley)
More information, event admission & sponsorship forms Email: [email protected]
Washington County Juneteenth 2024 Celebration
REGISTRATION is now OPEN! JUNETEENTH 2024 CELEBRATION The annual WCJA Celebration will be Saturday, June 15, 2024 @ 10:30 a.m. in downtown Brenham. EVERYONE is invited‼ Please scan the QR code on the flyer to register. If you prefer paper forms, please let us know. � ROYALTY Registration � PARADE Registration � SOUVENIR BOOK Ads …
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Washington County Students Travel Opportunity
In the Summer of 2026 students and families will have the opportunity to travel to Athens, Florence, Rome, and Barcelona on a tour of the BEST the Mediterranean has to offer. There will be an informational session on February 21st at 6pm in the BHS Cafeteria for all who are interested. To get more information and …
10 events,
Heart of Acara Foundation presents “Plates With a Purpose” Luncheon
Join Heart of Acara Foundation for PLATES WITH A PURPOSE Please join us on February 22, 2024 Pebble Creek Country Club 11:00 am - 1:00 pm Keynote speaker will be New York Times Best Seller Melanie Shankle Details at Heart of Acara Foundation.org
NAMI Connection Recovery Support Group Meetings
NAMI Connection Recovery Support Group Meetings
Weekly meeting on Thursdays, 6:30 – 8:00 pm CST at St. Peters Episcopal Church in Brenham NAMI-Brazos Valley serves a seven-county area (Brazos Valley): Brazos, Burleson, Grimes, Leon, Madison, Roberts, and Washington Counties Website: NamiBV.org Phone: 979 774-4713
14 events,
Brenham Elks Friday Night Steak Dinner
The weekly Friday night steak dinner begins at 6:30 PM at Brenham Elks Lodge #979, with all members and guests invited - 16 oz Boneless Ribeye with Baked Potato, Salad, and Dessert - Chef's Choice: Pork & Beef Stew with cornbread, salad and dessert
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Washington County Ladies Lions Club Meeting
The Washington County Ladies Lions Club will meet Monday, February 26, at noon, at the Cannery Kitchen. The featured speaker on finance, Medicaid and retirement will be Lion Janna Alsobrook. The public is invited to attend, RSVP is not required, lunch will be available.
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Brenham JH Pre-UIL Band Concert
Tuesday, February 27th, JH Pre-UIL Band Concert. 6:00pm BHS Auditorium Tuesday, March 26th, HS Pre-UIL Band and Choir Concert. 6:00pm BHS Auditorium Thursday, May 9, HS Spring Band Concerts. 6:00PM at Festival Institute in Round Top Tuesday, May 21, JH Spring Band Concerts. 6:00pm BHS Auditorium
8 events,
NAMI Connection Recovery Support Group Meetings
NAMI Connection Recovery Support Group Meetings
Weekly meeting on Thursdays, 6:30 – 8:00 pm CST at St. Peters Episcopal Church in Brenham NAMI-Brazos Valley serves a seven-county area (Brazos Valley): Brazos, Burleson, Grimes, Leon, Madison, Roberts, and Washington Counties Website: NamiBV.org Phone: 979 774-4713