(courtesy Grimes County Crime Stoppers)

Authorities are offering a cash reward for information leading to an arrest in an animal abandonment case in Navasota.

On Friday, November 9th, a suspect arrived at the Navasota Animal Shelter at 1607 Nolan Street, proceeded to dump off several ill dogs, and then left the shelter.

(courtesy Grimes County Crime Stoppers)

Surveillance cameras caught footage of the suspect, as well as his vehicle and license plate.  You can view those here, and on the Grimes County Crime Stoppers Facebook page.

People with information that could help solve this crime can give an anonymous tip to Grimes County Crime Stoppers at 936-873-2000.  Information leading to an arrest could lead to up to $1,000 in a cash reward.

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  1. I at with the other to readers comments. Please let use know the state law ,because it’s a lot of us confused about that,being charged for leaving a animal at a shelter or hospital. It’s a shelter that’s what it supposed to be for, house them. People are so confused about what’s right or wrong, throw them in the river ,leaving them on street or killing them you will go to jail. New heard of leaving them at shelter for help was a crime. Who ever you are turn yours elf in don’t let know one profit off you unless it’s family. Pray the law would be understanding of your situation GOOD LUCK.

  2. What I don’t understand is we have laws to drop off children at hospitals, firestations etc. So why, is he a criminal for dropping off dogs that are sick? Her did not bag them and throw them in a river! He possible could not afford to provide medical care, so by dropping off the dogs they would be provided care. And hopefully a forever home. I did not know that taking animals to a shelter, is now a crime. In addition, REWARD $1000 should be used for actual crimes where people have been injured or killed! He did not throw these dogs in a field, left them on a street, he took them somewhere for help !!!!! Grimes county, pleaser don’t continue charges against him !!!!

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