Washington County EMS officials reported an additional 12 confirmed cases of COVID-19 Saturday.

The new cases bring Washington County’s confirmed total to 62, with 52 of those cases active.  The 12 new cases are in Brenham residents, who are reported to be under self-quarantine.

According to county officials, 42 percent of the current cases in the community are from one facility.  The Texas Department of State Health Services is in contact and working with the facility.

Of the 52 active cases, five are currently hospitalized.  Six patients have recovered, while four have died from complications with the virus.  Officials believe all cases to have been transmitted through community spread.

The full list of confirmed cases in Washington County is available online at www.washingtoncountyems.net/covid-19-confirmed-cases.  To visit the JIC website providing COVID-19 information, click here.

What’s your Reaction?


  1. On the thought that the virus may have been HERE before we knew it, and having observed in other years that Memorial Oaks and Brenham Memorial have a lot of funerals (like 60-70%) of their annual number in 1/3 of the year; Nov-Feb. I had noticed that in Jan, because a number of people I personally knew had passed, seemed higher than normal. In a quick review of the sites, here are my findings:
    In January’s 31 days, the two Chapels had 29 funerals, 16 age 75 or over, most 85 or over, a goodly number over 90. Yes, we have an older community, people frequently make it past a milestone, its “the winter months”, so at the time looked a bit big but that’s all. In hindsight, hmmm. Was it? I don’t know..

      1. To SMH: if you don’t truly believe that the virus was here before Feb or March, where are you getting your information from? No one knows if it were here or not. No one knows how long the incubation period is, no one knows how long or if the virus continues to shed after people have had a mild case because they didn’t go to the Drs office for what they thought was a cold and even if they did, there was no test for it then and the alarm had not been raised at that point. China didn’t reveal that there were issues because they didn’t want the Chinese New Year stopped and the extra monies that would be made during that time halted. I know people who traveled to China and they came home ill with what they thought was a bad cold or the flu. Please try to see the bigger picture here. Think it thru for yourself instead of letting someone tell you something that you can surmise from the information we all know .

      2. How could you possibly know this? It didn’t just magically show up in March. How naive. They weren’t testing or even had tests earlier. Which experts should we listen to? The ones that use models that constantly have to be changed? I have heard nothing that is any more accurate than most weather reports.

  2. People people relax, take a deep breath and put faith in God. We are all in this together and now is not the time to place blame, accuse or play politics. Look at the facts and then make informed and educated decisions and do what’s best for you and your family. Don’t worry about what others are or aren’t doing, just do what’s best for you. This too shall pass but we need to be smart in the meantime at least until there is a known cure and or vaccine. THANK YOU to all the health care workers and all essential workers in Washington County !! God be with us through this and protect the sick and suffering.

    1. We all put our faith in God BUT that doesnt mean we shouldnt do our part and not be responsible for our actions.Yes this too shall pass,BUT it will not pass if 80% of ppl in brenham do not due their part in trying to flatten the curve for heath care system.I do blame those that go about their life with an attitude of “oh well whatever,ppl are making a big deal of this” etc I still see ppl dropping their kids off at grandma’s house .I’m a essential driver and what I see or dont see in this matter is very maddening .,IM not understanding what others are not understanding about STAY AT HOME,WEAR MASK,SOCIAL DISTANCING ETC..i feel very bad for our healthcare workers etc,they are the ones that will carry the highest risk ,due to ppl NOT following the guidelines!

  3. Then again, Washington County is not going to be transparent as usual. Every city in the country names the facility so people know: contractors, healthcare workers , first responders, anybody that has to do some type of work or repair in the facility, etc.. Quit hiding the truth, the facts, we are no different than any county in Texas or any other state for that matter.

    1. So would you act any different if you knew that you were walking into a facility that had several positive cases versus walking into Walmart or HEB to do your grocery shopping? If the answer is yes you would, then there in lies the problem. You should protect yourself anytime you have to go out of your house and interact with other people. People that are infected aren’t going to wear a big flashing sign on the top of their heads. You have to assume that everyone you come in contact with could possibly be infected and take all measures to protect yourself by wearing a mask, washing your hands thoroughly and frequently, not walking back into your home and doing routine things with your shoes and clothes on that you just went to the grocery store or bank or wherever in, and keeping frequently touched surfaces such as doorknobs, counters, eating-area etc, in and around you cleaned and sanitized using bleach or alcohol-based products that are anti-viral. This facility and any other facility with known positive cases is not the only place in the county where the danger of the virus is real. I wish some people would wake up and realize that and stop pointing fingers. The blame for the spread could be traced back to all of us, whether we are sick or not.

      1. So just so you know I am already very cautious. Being a first responder I do watch closely on how I prepare and protect myself. But knowing someone, or someplace is infected, makes you watch even more, it’s just nature for that to kick in. It’s kind of like going into a smoke scare or actual fire. I know it’s hard for you to comprehend coming from a first responders point of view, but it does help knowing. Washington county always seems to not want to let the facts out or be transparent about anything, because they seem to deem Washington County DIFFERENT than everybody else in the world. Peoples mentality around here seem to think it won’t happen here. Our cases are increasing, and people need to do what’s asked by staying home unless essential supplies are needed. As long as people go and do as they want, this will stick with us for a while, and risk the lives of many. Wear a mask, stay home, wash your hands and disinfect surfaces

        1. All too true. There is a lot of local denial by the public, The last time I checked the rate of known infections/100,000 in Washington County was over 4 times that of Houston. Denial puts everyone at risk, especially first respondents and essential workers.

          1. Harris county is listed on the state website as having 1.05/1000 cases; Washington county as 1.75. More but not easily confused with 4X

          2. Facts: Thoe number change daily You are probably correct based on the data collection date of the report. I used data from 2 days ago.

        2. Yes, the Washington county mentality is a very big problem around here. I’ve seen it first hand working here in the ER and also as a former EMT. And as a former first responder and current nurse myself, I should expect you to know that the first thing about PPE and protecting yourself is that you consider EVERYONE a high risk and their blood and body fluids a danger to yourself. This is a tricky contagion and does not act just like the flu. It lasts on surfaces far longer than influenza. I don’t fault this nursing home for the spread. No one is 100% prepared for something like this. They are doing the best they can to contain it at this time, without anymore fatalities. I personally know nurses who work there and they are doing their best in a horrible situation to contain something unseen that can be as deadly to them as it is to their patients.

          1. I know nurses there myself. Please go back and read. I am by no means faulting the nurse staff by no means. There is a problem there, and the county and city officials need to step up and get all these people tested-residents and staff. I know what it’s like to do the best you can with what you have. All I was saying is that Washington county always has an excuse or non-transparent about what is actually going on. I totally agree with you about what goes on

    2. I totally agree , more and more people are getting endangered, I have major health problems and cant even go get groceries, because the city continues the spread, everybody should be tested for such a small town. I’m sure the workers there shop at our local grocery stores ect . Stop the spread test everyone ,then isolate those who need to be isolated

      1. Priscilla Although your “Everyone get tested” argument sounds great in theory , A person could get tested today and have a negative result, But could be infected the next day, So unless we get tested every day it really is not the solution.

      2. Everyone cannot be tested because there are not enough tests for everyone!! The city has an estimated population of 17,198. We are not the only town in the state that is infected and you cannot possibly expect us to get priority over tests when they are already low in supply as it is!

        If you have major health problems, then don’t go out. Get someone to run for you if you can. If not then protect yourself with gloves and a mask. Your comment sounds like you are asking for everyone to be tested and isolated so YOU can go to the store. It sounds kind of entitled. Don’t be that person please.

  4. So are they quarantining the staff at this facility that have been in close contact or have tested positive. We as citizens have the right to know. We are not all sitting home like Nancy Pelosi ordering online for our Ice Cream products !

    1. The facility is a local nursing home that KWHI previously reported about. My Mother is there.

    2. @Dukey..of course they quarantined all infected or might be infected and the ones that came in close contact with..AND if your not an ESSENTIAL worker..STAY HOME and order all your products online if needed..WAY WAY to many ppl out shopping,consisting, etc etc..this is NOT HOW TO FLATTEN THE CURVE FOR OUR HEALTHCARE SYSTEM

  5. New cases every day, continuing to grow. I was in Tractor Supply yesterday, about 10 employees, not a single one wearing a mask. About 20 customers, only two wearing masks. People chatting with each other, with no distance between them, standing in line right next to each other. I turned around and left.

    PEOPLE… practice smart behavior.

    1. Until people start staying home, wearing masks if they MUST go out, washing their hands, this is just going to get worse. I really believed if people were given the facts they’d comply with the rules. I’m beginning to think you just can’t fix stupid. I have been verbally abused at work for trying to get people to wear masks as per facility guidelines.

      1. Sadly I agree with you,I’m beginning to believe ppl here think it’s not going to effect them..you cant fix stupid..ppl here know the guidelines,they just dont bother with them,THEY SHOULD BE AT HOME,but that’s to much to ask of them,these numbers will rise and rise high,BRENHAM IS NOW A HOTSPOT.

        1. Yes, Brenham is definitely a Hotspot. I will not do any of my grocery shopping in Brenham or allow my family to go to Brenham. Shops should have been closed sooner. Tourism should not have been encouraged. This is a town that appears to have thought it could never happen there. Well it did. Stay home, wear masks, wash your hands….do everything you can to stop the spread!

      2. Smart people don’t complain. You’re right! They educate and help others, caring for others safety and yours. I appreciate what you are doing for our community. Health care in very essential.
        We are all important!

      3. If these people are working at a facility and not wearing PPE as required by facility rules, please report them to supervisor, you May save, not only their life but someone else’s.

    2. As stated in the mandate, essential workers are not required to wear a mask. We are happy they are open. We should all have consideration of others. Don’t wear the same gloves all day. I’ve seen plenty customers wearing the same gloves to two different stores, touching their face and phone. Educate yourself about wearing gloves in public. The employees are the most at risk because customers are coming in from places unknown. Please be considerate! We are all at risk, not just customers.


      1. I was at Tractor Supply Saturday, and he is correct. There was an unusual high amount of customers in there at once.The floors were marked for distance, but nobody was complying, or enforcing it.

        1. “enforce it” you say

          You should enforce it and put them in a re-education camp for non compliance

          Then you need to lock yourself away so you’ll be safe too

          “Ah we can dance if we want to, we can leave your friends behind
          Cause your friends don’t dance and if they don’t dance
          Well they’re are no friends of mine” – Men Without Hats

      2. I have seen a HUGE increase in traffic at Tractor Supply, Lowe’s, Home Depot, etc. More people working from home right now are picking up things to do during their down time. Not to mention the surge in people that have recently purchased chickens. So, many people are getting chick starter and equipment for their new fluffy animals.
        All these new animals everyone is buying thinking they need to start having fresh eggs (which is a good idea)… I just hope they aren’t forgotten about after all this is over.

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